In 2019 Manchester declared a climate emergency.
Manchester Climate Change Agency (MCCA) & Manchester Climate Change Partnership (MCCP) are responsible for setting the strategy to address climate change and to champion climate change action in the city. Adapting to climate change is vital to this response.
The website was developed by and is maintained by Dr Paul O’Hare (Manchester Metropolitan University), Ellie Bradley and Sean Morris (Manchester Climate Change Agency). The project was made possible by funding from the UK Climate Resilience Programme – Adaptation & Resilience: Planning & Action for Manchester. UKRI/ NERC Award number NE/V010174/1. Background research was conducted by Catherine Causer and Rosana Lopex Romero at Manchester Metropolitan University.
The website was designed by Creative Concern. Content was created by partners and collaborators from across Manchester, and beyond, to whom we express our thanks.
If you have a resilience and adaptation case study or initiative that you would like to be featured on the site, please contact us using the web form below.
This video introduces our ongoing work to limit the impacts of climate change and to create a healthy, green, socially just city where everyone can thrive, whatever the weather.
Have any questions about the information on this site, interested in finding out more or would like your project to be featured?
Get in touch using the form or by following us on social media.
The role of this website is to provide information; it is your responsibility to make sure that services and organisations are appropriate and meet your needs.
Whilst every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information provided in this website "we" (Manchester Climate Change Agency and Manchester Metropolitan University) do not accept any responsibility or liability for any errors that have occurred or if the information provided is not up to date. "We" are also not responsible for the content of third-party websites.
It is recommended that you always check with providers that their service or organisation meets your requirements. We offer an impartial service and we cannot recommend or endorse any providers listed.